Today my kids were taken in by Toy Story II, I am so blessed! Hehehehe! I set up the inside blow-up bouncer and put on the movie, they had a great time. I love the times when they can play together and enjoy something that I like as well. One thing I'll do right - show them Disney. Does that make me nuts? Oh well...
It's a nice break from the news on the mess that is going on in the Gulf of Mexico, that's for sure. I hear about it all day, nothing I can do, just listen to how others are helping or hurting the situation. Everyone is pointing fingers - truth is - they should all be pointing at themselves! Pushing further out without a safety plan or way to stop the oil, government regulations not keeping up with the oilfield, etc. I'm not too political, just saying my peace. Then, this lady from Colorado that decided to take a break from blogging about travel and blog about how the Morgan City festival, my hometown, "Shrimp and Petroleum Festival," should be cancelled or should take the petroleum part out of it. Really? Really? What does that accomplish? I looked at few other blogs by her, and none seemed to remotely mirror this one. Why would someone just decide to dump a bunch of unkind words and accusations towards a group of people she doesn't know? Would that be culturism? Cityism? Meanism? Whatever it is, it wasn't pretty. When my hometown heard about it, a flood of insults went back her way. From a couple comments per blog, to hundreds flooded in! Most were working hard to try and explain our culture and heritage, good and bad. Some, well, some, were n-a-s-t-y! I wish they would have given themselves a few moments to calm down and write their feelings about it without ugliness. But, I understand the rage that they all felt, I felt that too! It was really hurtful and mean-spirited the way it was written. She tried to back out, over and over again, but it was there, in computer blog form, for all to see. If someone were to write the same words towards her, she would take offense, but yet she kept defending herself, shameless. Shame on you blog lady, shame on you.
Well, looks like I have opinions of my own, cool. Some people get us here in Morgan City, Louisiana - some don't. We are generally caring people and work hard. The oilfield is a big part of that, and so we celebrate. Of course I would love to see people developing more environmentally friendly products that would help Mother Earth, as well as the local economy in the long run. I remember reading that someone was developing a plant that would turn the bad cooking oil collected in the area, to fuel, but I can't remember exactly, so don't go quoting me.
OK, last, but not least, a cute family story from dinner tonight! We were sitting around the table tonight when one of our twins, Rae (2 years old), got quiet and leaned to the side a bit. After a few seconds a little "poot" came out. I know, I know, that's impolite at the table, but she's only two! The best part was when she did it, she sweetly looked over at her daddy and pointed, then said "take that daddy!" We were laughing our butts off! Tears and all! Wonder where she learned that from....
Thanks for listening, and I'll continue to write as often as I can, hope someone is listening out there!