Friday, February 19, 2010

...and away we go!

Well, I love Disney! So, I'll write about that I guess. I have only been able to visit Disneyworld in Orlando, Florida - about 10-12 times now. Visiting disneyland and maybe a cruise one day is what I dream about at night. I will try to post my opinions, and keep them PG for all to read! I can't make any promises though, I am new to this and I am human after all.
I am from a small town in Louisiana, married with four children (girl-10, girl-3, twins>boy and girl-1), I work as a counselor in a small company and get paid very little compared to the seven year degree I had to get to do this!
I will try to write something different than all the other disney sites to keep it interesting, but remember, I am new and human!
Love and Disney, me

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